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With the worldwide pandemic in swing, I have really struggled with whether or not I'm going to send my kids back to school.  

Sometimes when things feel especially overwhelming, my reflex is to pretend them away

or perpetually procrastinate 

and postpone the decision.  

But you can only put things off for so long.

A few weeks ago I finally prayed, 

"Heavenly Father, you know that I'm afraid of this, you know I don't want to think about it, please just help me to have an open mind and a soft heart so I can know what would be best."

One quiet little thought came...

Consider each child and their unique situation.


I let that thought simmer for awhile, but my prayer continued, as did my pondering.


I thought of the hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light".

"Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see

The distant scene--one step enough for me."

Previously, it felt as if I had a been given one small step, 

but again was in darkness.  

Last weekend, after reading articles, different conversations with family & friends and studying the weekly Sunday School lesson, 

something clicked all at once.

It was as if the path was illuminated again and I felt confident moving forward with the inspiration that had come.

The next day during our family scripture study, my husband mentioned the idea of kindling our faith.

The visual that came to mind was of collecting kindling from various places, faithfully waiting on His timing.

And then when enough kindling has been gathered, the Lord ignites it with His spirit.

Indeed kindling our faith will allow the Lord to light our path.

(Click here to read a short address about waiting on the Lord.)

