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Recognizing it's not My Role.

A few years ago I was getting too caught up in the news and started worrying about raising my kids in this day and age.  As I was driving one day the thought came to me that I am not in charge of my children's salvation.  I can sure contribute to their gospel knowledge & happiness while on earth, and help point them to Jesus, but it is not up to me to "save them".  It is up to the Savior.  That is His role.  The eternal salvation of our Heavenly Father's children is a heavy and dear responsibility and He has not entrusted it to us His mortal imperfect children.  He allows us to take part in the process but He is not relying on us to make it happen.  He has wisely and carefully selected the One who can be entrusted with that, our elder brother Jesus Christ.  

That thought brought me so much peace and relief.  I get to take part in that process, but it is not up to me. What a weight off my shoulders.  I started thinking of the Savior as being my Master and being the Master of all things (one who is in charge and oversees all things).  Metaphorically speaking He is the master architect.  It is His name that will be on the job.  He has the master blue prints.  He knows what needs to be done and asks individuals with a willing heart to assist Him in the work.  If we are ready and willing we can collaborate with Him.  Sometimes we can see what needs to be done and volunteer to do it.  Other times He sees more pressing matters and invites invited us to that job.  He knows that we aren't master architects or carpenters yet, but He knows that under His tutelage and through the experience of working together, we will gain knowledge and wisdom.  He knows that we will make mistakes, but He is there to make them right.  Mistakes don't upset Him; He's seen them all and knows exactly how to handle them and how to use them as a teaching experience. 

 And in the process what He wants, almost more than the actually building and constructing process getting done, is to spend time with us, to teach us patiently, to deepen His relationship with us and to see us grow.

As I pondered that I started thinking about my various roles as a mom, wife, friend, teacher, sister... He is my Master, my Savior in ALL things.  He is overseeing all of the "jobs" and knows which ones require more attention from moment to moment and day to day.  We can come to Him and seek His wisdom to know which "job site" to visit or which "project" to undertake.  When the world would tell us that we're perpetually late, lacking and behind, He can help us manage all that we've been asked to do and His spirit can reassure us along the way and give us peace  (John 14:27). 


  1. I love this! What An incredible way to look at our lives, as a project he is helping to oversee and a way we can honor him in our lives. Thank you for taking the time to make pancakes for me and serve me in that way! Sure love you!

    1. Em, I love how you said "honor him".

      You are so very welcome!


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