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Showing posts from April, 2020

Hope in Christ (mini series).

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been a year since I posted last. But, let’s be honest, life has been SO busy with five kids and with any spare minutes I’ve been painting my little heart out. The last few months have been extra crazy: we bought a house across town and have been renovating it, have been trying to sell our other home, adopted two guinea pigs, had 12+ house showings with no bites, started moving and settling in while juggling life with our 5 kids and school closures 🤪. My anxiety and old survive patterns have been creeping in but I’m really striving to see God’s hand, hold on to His goodness, and take on this season of life intentionally. How are you all hanging in there?? Why I’m really here is because of a project I wanted to share with you, especially with the entire world being turned upside down by COVID-19. Back in December I had the thought to create an exhibit about the Savior and His life & mission to celebrate Easter. We were going to have an open hou...