I have to be in the right mental space to make exercise a priority. There are so many other things I'd rather do with my time. Unlike in high school, at 38, I don't mind my curves, but "the pooch" gets in the way. Maybe it should be called a pouch. It looks like I'm saving space for my baby kangaroo to come back. After a LONG time of not exercising, last Fall, my cute 7 year old asked if we could go jogging before school. Jogging? This body hasn't done more than a hustled supermarket sweep before school pick up. But we went and we punctuated our walk with 10 second bursts of labored "jogging". Afterwards I was doing some "sit ups" ( Malorie's doing the modified ) because I'm sick of this pooch getting in the way. It gets in the way of wearing my favorite pants and skirts. It makes bending down difficult. I don't mind the reminder that my body carried and birthed 6 beautiful human beings. I just don't want to wear ...