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Toss Back Tuesday: Measuring Up.

Measuring up.

So at Brie's 9 month checkup our PA was going through the list of developmental milestones and asked if she had started clapping and waving. It caught me off guard because Brie has always been "on track" with her previous checkups, but I really couldn't recall ever seeing her doing either. He didn't seem worried and just moved on to the next questions. But what do you think we've been working on ever since? :0) This week she has started to clap and to wave...I'll admit I was a bit relieved to see that she had reached those milestones, but more than that it's SO cute! Isn't it funny how such little things can seem so victorious and exciting?

I have to admit that it's so hard for me not to compare Brie with other kids...look he's taller...Brie's so much smaller...he's walking...she's only crawling, etc. The last time we went in for a checkup I was asking how Brie COMPARED. Our PA assured me that it wasn't about how she measured up to everyone else but how her own curve looked.

Last Sunday---don't worry I'm tying this all in :0)---I bore my testimony in had been a LONG time. I can't even remember the last time I got up to share my testimony. In any case, I shared the experience I'd had at Brie's check up and how it got me thinking... we are so quick to compare ourselves to others and worry that we don't measure up, but God doesn't compare at all He just looks at our own personal curve of progression to see how we're doing. It was a good reminder. A good reminder to not get so down on myself when I don't "measure up" and to give others the benefit of the doubt when they seem to be "falling short."

3 April 2018
I have struggled with comparisons much of my life, most of my adult life included.  But since last fall, when I finally got help for myself, I have been much more confident in who I AM and what I personally have to contribute in my spheres of influence.  And the beautiful thing is, the lack of comparing has left me so much more time and energy to put in to contributing.  I am so much more focused on the things I can do and that God helps me do well, that the other things don't feel nearly as important.
