A few years ago I was getting too caught up in the news and started worrying about raising my kids in this day and age. As I was driving one day the thought came to me that I am not in charge of my children's salvation. I can sure contribute to their gospel knowledge & happiness while on earth, and help point them to Jesus, but it is not up to me to "save them". It is up to the Savior. That is His role. The eternal salvation of our Heavenly Father's children is a heavy and dear responsibility and He has not entrusted it to us His mortal imperfect children. He allows us to take part in the process but He is not relying on us to make it happen. He has wisely and carefully selected the One who can be entrusted with that, our elder brother Jesus Christ. That thought brought me so much peace and relief. I get to take part in that process, but it is not up to me. What a weight off my shoulders. I started thinking of the...