I recently have been thinking about God's love. Why is it that we can't always feel it? Why do we feel so lost and trapped in darkness at times? I want to share an entry that I wrote five years ago on our family blog. (I've left out names for the privacy of my family.) MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 20 14 He loves even me. "Wow January has been a rough month. Let's see what has been going on... Got back from Utah a few days before the New Year, both boys were sick (coughs, congestion, fevers, snotty noses). At least one of us has been sick since October. Four months of passing around bugs is no fun. Then there was the "Snowmageddon" here in St. Louis where we got a giant snowstorm and were "snowed in" for a few days, combined with sub zero temperatures. Between sickies and FRIGID weather there has been little of venturing out and much staying in. It wouldn't be so bad but it feels like our apartment is slowly closing i...