I don't know about you, but I tend to cringe when I hear this phrase. "She's a good mom" makes me think that there must be one set of criteria that determines what makes a mother a good one.
In reality, God created each of us
for unique missions.
How can a bird fulfill the measure of its creation if it's trying to be like a rhinoceros? Wouldn't an ant's amazing strength go untapped if it was expending all of its energy trying to look like a butterfly?
How will my family rise to our greatest if I am trying to get them to be like someone else's family?
How will each of my children reach their greatest potential if I am trying to mold them in to a stereotypical box?
And won't I do better as a mom if I feel like I'm a good mother instead of comparing and doubting and wondering, and put my intent and energy in to the family I've got with the strengths that I've been given?
What I'd love to hear is, "she's such a great mom for her family."
And with that, can we admit that mothering is so much harder than it looks??
It's day in and day out
year after year after year
with no true breaks or vacations, overtime or bonuses.
Some days we just don't have what it takes to be on our "A game" and that's OK. The point is that we do care and keep trying, keep feeling compassion for ourselves and our kids and don't give up.
Thank Heavens that the Father who is truly parenting our children provided a Savior for
step of
the way!
Not just for them,
but for us too.
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