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The Nativity Experience—FOLLOW UP

After our nativity event, I felt like I had little energy left to give but SO wanted to provide counsel and support for all of the concerns that had been left unanswered. A dear, dear friend of mine offered to take the papers and type them up.  As the last few months have passed, I have thought several times of the project, but never felt like it was the right time to check back in with my friend. Last week, I felt a green light to reach out. Today she texted me back, mentioning that she kept having the thought that she should wait til Eastertime to share the finished product.

Below is a lovely message that she included (along with all the concerns & counsel)—it touched my heart and reminded me that nothing is too big for God. He holds us each in His hands.

Much love,


In contemplating Christmas and the blessed gift of Jesus Chirst’s birth, this quote from President Gordon B. Hinckly always comes to mind.  “There would be no Christmas if there had not been Easter. The babe Jesus of Bethlehem would be but another baby without the redeeming Christ of Gethsemane and Calvary, and the triumphant fact of the Resurrection.” (“The Wondrous and True Story of Christmas”, Dec 2000) What better time than Easter to look for the redeeming peace our Savior Jesus Christ provides through His glorious Atonement.  At Christmas, loving friends came together and trustingly unburdened themselves of their trials and struggles, if even for but a small moment, and we all, as loving friends, did our best to provide some measure of peace, comfort and guidance for each other. 

But while typing up the struggles and words of comfort that were shared, it became obvious that there were more trials shared than comforting responses provided.  It seemed overwhelming to think about all of the concerns that people had shared, and so many without response.  Where would the additional comfort come from?  Who would lift help to those burdens?  Clearly that gathering of loving friends had not been able to help with all of these concerns. While thinking about this situation, two insights become clear.  First, there is peace and comfort to be had in the simple act of placing our burdens on the altar of the Lord.  Hopefully that loving peace found you all as you considered your concerns and brought them to your loving friends and the Savior during your visit. 

Second, indeed, not all of the struggles and concerns could be resolved by those few loving friends who had attended the event.  But no collection of people would ever have been enough, because it is only Jesus Christ who can bear all our burdens, lift all our cares and strengthen all our souls.  We can, and should, do what we can to love and support those around us.  But we alone are insufficient to that task.  But that is not a failing on our parts, that is part of the divine plan.  It is our Savior who is the Healer and Sustainer.  It is through Him that all can find peace in our trials and the strength to carry on.

So, as you read through this list of struggles and responses, if you find that your struggle did not have a response, please know that your struggle was read and cried over and thought about by loving friends.  When your personal trial was read, a loving mortal friend thought, “I am so sorry!  That is so hard.  I wish I could help you.” And a loving Heavenly Friend declared, “I am so sorry!  I know this is hard.  And I can help you.”  He lovingly said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) As you come unto the Savior, He will indeed give you rest.  He will indeed provide the needed response to your struggle.  He loves you and has paid the ultimate price to help you overcome your pains and sufferings.

Among the cards of struggles and responses, these two messages were found that were not attached to any one trial.  They are fitting for all the burdens that we bear.  

thanks for your invitation this morning.  What a gift you have given me!  A quiet still moment to connect with Heaven!  I needed this! Love you & your family.”

“My message of hope would be to focus on the life of our Savior Jesus Christ.  He will comfort you through any trials you may find yourself dealing with.”

Indeed, there is peace to be felt in those quiet still moments of connection with Heaven and in handing over our burdens to the Prince of Peace.  And He will indeed provide that peace–through any trial. “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)


Here is the collection of the burdens left, and the comfort provided.

  • What career will help me be most happy and useful.

    • Try lots of things. Go to college and take a variety of classes.  Don’t choose money, choose love, passion and service and God will you provide. Be dedicated and stay focused! <3 You got this!

  • Staying healthy:  stress, food, taking of my body

    • I have struggled with this much of my life. I love the idea of taking care of our bodies because we love them not because we hate them. And I try to remember that my body is what allows me to experience life. Maybe you can start by finding things that your body does well and that you’re grateful for.

  • Helping my children with their struggles

    • The Doctrine and Covenants teaches one of the best ways to see miracles in our lives and others (Doctrine and Covenants 123:17)  Cheerfully do all that lies within your power—then stand still—with the utmost assurance—to see the salvation of God and for his arm to be revealed! (Miracles)

  • Healthy living

  • Having a balanced life and feeling far from God when I want to be close to him

    • For me, I had to throw out what I thought being close to God looked like and create what I wanted that to look like.  Music is huge for me so I am always looking for uplifting songs I can listen to throughout my day.  And I pray whenever I feel like connecting with Him, rarely on my knees, but heartfelt and real time.

  • Watching others have to lose their life and home as they know it

    • I can tell the tender heart you must have to feel this way.  What a beautiful thing.  It makes me think of GOd being the conductor of a grand orchestra.  He doesn't need you to solo the entire concert, but play your party when it’s the fitting time.  What party would He like you to play in this concern?

  • The struggles of a granddaughter

    • First off, I love that this instantly shows about you—your heart and the great love you have for your granddaughter!  God can work so much good when we act from a place of love.  Perhaps remember that She is in His hands and ask what part yours is to play to show your love.

  • I’m concerned that my family will get hurt. 

    • I really appreciate the thought that worry makes us suffer twice. If we can hand our worries to God and trust in His ability to provide and take care of us, even better than we can, peace can come.

  • I have doubt about everything I’ve believed, even the existence of Jesus himself.

    • The reality is we live in a world where everything is constantly shifting and being turned upside down.  It’s a great strategy of Satan’s to get us to lose our way and our divine life lines.  Try to make time to quiet your mind and seek truth.  Follow your heart.

  • My heart aches for my son who has chosen to no longer believe in God.  He has turned from almost all the things that mean the most to me.  I just wait and pray he will still look for the truth.

    • Jared Halversen, an anti-religious rhetoric professor, talks about asking our loved ones who have left their faith to ask what God they don’t believe in. It could be enlightening to have them describe their perspective of God and better understand how they view Him. It might be a starting point to share your thoughts of who you believe God to be.

  •  Relationships with people I love

    • I have to remind myself that mortality means mortal relationships that are often far from perfect.  And if I want to improve then I need to have God’s way of loving others.  I’m often letting Him know that I don’t know how to be the wife, mom, sister, friend that I hope to be, leave it in His hands and pray for Him to lead me.

  • Keeping integrity

  • Acknowledging that I have a calling in life from God and sometimes it’s hard to be okay with how hard that calling would be even if it is worthy

    • That takes courage!  Acknowledgment is such an important step.  A dear friend once to me, if God brings you to it, He can bring you through it.  Remember that if GOd is calling you to it, He has your back.  Call upon Him and all the resources He has to offer you along the way.  Be patient with yourself.  Life is a strapping stone process.  You will get there!

  • Children who leave the church

    • You are not alone.  This experience is shared by Adam and Eve, Lehi and Sariah, and even God himself.  Nobody knows more than God what it is like to have children exercise poor judgment with agency.  In the end, all we can do is trust God and the sealing power of temple covenants.

  • Being a good enough friend 

  • Falling asleep because I’m worried about the next day and the waking up

    • Waking up to a new day is tough.  I understand the avoidance when bedtime is arising.  I try to keep in my thoughts and prayers that Jesus Christ is right next to me cheering me on.  He will help you feel the strength to go about your day.  He will pick up the pieces and help. Fill the missing puzzle pieces throughout your day.  You are amazing!  You got this!  And you can do wonderful things.  The Lord is your light!

  • Anger

    • Working on anger is one of my biggest challenges.  I have read many books, a favorite is The Dance of Anger.  I think anger is a human emotion that teaches us things in different ways.  What I am working on now is feeling anger, not reacting to it in a human way, but reacting with my spirit being in charge.

  • School

    • Raising kiddos, I’m coming to realize how different each person learns. For me, being diagnosed with ADHD later in life, I finally realized why I so often have felt like a circle trying to fit in a square world. However, the more I identify my purpose(s) in life, the more receptive I am to gain all the knowledge and experience I can. Look for your strengths and leverage then where you can. Be brave enough to ask for help in the areas where you struggle.

  • Staying married—loving my spouse and trying to be happy despite it all.

    • This touched my heart.  No words of wisdom here, just heartfelt empathy for what you are going through.  If you can, try to remember how loved you are in the vast majority of your relationships.  Remember God’s love most of all.  Only He can make up the void you feel in this particular relationship.

  • I feel like I’m battling addiction and recovery, wanting to stay clean but wanting to give up.

    • First of all, I applaud your efforts! It takes a lot to stand up to weak areas of life. Second, realize that we all have habits, behaviors and sometimes addictions, as coping mechanisms to handle the stresses of life. Have compassion for yourself and realize that there must be HARD things that you’ve had to go through. Are there friends you can connect with to find added support? Or activities to help fill the space that your addiction currently takes. I love the thought that we change our lives by changing our routine. There is power in intentionally adding good and healthy habits to your day. Hang in there! Know you’re not alone.

  • The war in Ukraine.

    • Heavenly Father loves all of his children, and has a plan of Happiness for each person on this earth, even those who are oppressed.

  • Being able to teach my kids about God in the right way and wondering if what I’m doing is enough.

    • I think the most important thing is involving God in your life and home.  As soon as you include God in your parenting (counseling with Him) it will be enough.  I guess what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to be “enough” because God is, and as long as you are involving Him, He will magnify your efforts ten fold & it will work out.  The Spirit will take it from there. <3

  • Difficulty FEELING God’s love.

    • Oh I can relate. There have been seasons in my life when I feel clouded in darkness, lost and alone. During those times it has been so challenging to sense God’s love, though I’ve come to believe that His love is there even when we can’t feel it. For me, it helps to be with people that emanate light and love. They can communicate His love in tangible, visible ways. Also, I’m trying to learn instead of asking in desperation, “God, where are you???”, asking with trust, “I trust that you ARE there, can you show me where to see your hand in my life right now?”

  • Loving myself 

    • Self love is a commandment.  Love the Godhead, love others, then you will see and feel that you are worthy of love and always have been.  The key is the order of love: The Godhead first, others second, and then Father reveals why He has and will always love you.

  • Unrequited love

    • I know that is so hard, but God always requites our love.  He is always there and always loves us.  “Your Heavenly Father loves you…That love never changes.  It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account.  It is not changed by your talents and abilities.  It is simply there.  It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful.  God’s love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve it.  It is simply always there.” ~Thomas S. Monson

  • Finances

    • I’ve truly come to believe that God gave us the law of tithing so that we learn to trust in HIS provisions and not the world’s. Time and time again I’ve seen God’s economy at work in my life—-making things stretch, friends and family unexpectedly helping out, receiving money at just the right time. Remember that God loves you and will take care of your needs as you include Him in your finances.

  • A child going through very difficult challenges 

    • I’ve been really struggling, lately everything started falling apart. At the beginning of this year, I gave myself goals. I really worked hard to achieve my goals, but every time I get close to achievement, something will come up to destroy all my work even after many attempts. I lost everything including my job, but I’m always grateful for every blessing God gives me.

  • Health Challenges

    • Sometimes we pray for God to lift our burdens.  Especially health challenges.  It takes great faith to truth that God hears you and that he can heal you.  But it takes even greater faith to not be healed and yet still follow him.  Know that He loves and hears you.  You are not alone. <3 <3

  • Not feeling like I can trust people because of abuse.  Struggling with parents because I feel like they don’t see my side and make excuses.  Struggling with a body that doesn’t work as well as I want it to.

    • I too struggle with trust issues. I have a big heart which means I have a lot of love to give but also a bigger potential for hurt and pain. I’m trying to get clearer on myself and my needs and recognize when others are not clear on themselves and perhaps have some work to do before having a healthy relationship with them. I’m coming to realize that my trust issues can affect the way I view my body too. With that I’m trying to see the good and take better care of my body instead of falling back on self-sabotaging patterns. Know that in ALL these things, God cares and wants to guide and help you to find greater peace and happiness.

  • Hatred and contention in our country

    • I know that this is so hard, especially because not one (single) person can change this, It is a team effort. But what is important is that we play our part in this. An individual can share kindness and share love. When we focus on how we each can share love and kindness, we notice those things better, because IT IS THERE!  THERE IS LOVE, THERE IS KINDNESS, THERE IS CHARITY—because God exists. And because our Savior Jesus Christ these are “all but a small moment.”

  • I think that I just need more money and wisdom.  I really want to be successful in life.

  • Being left alone…giving my whole heart then having that person use their agency and leave me

    • This is one of the most painful and difficult things I’ve experienced too.  I have found that the most peace comes from understanding that though someone I loved left me, I am priceless to Christ.  He will never leave us.  Nothing will ever diminish our worth to Jesus Christ. It may not solve the problem exactly, but it brings peace that cannot be shaken, comfort through the healing.  Until we’re whole. <3

  • Cleaning up

    • I have often seen cleaning as black and white. I do it all or I don’t do any of it. I’m trying to see the value in small efforts. If I have an extra minute I put away my brush, makeup and hair bands. If I’m going downstairs anyway, I take a few things with me that need to go down, etc. Little efforts really do add up to big efforts! 

  • Waking up in the morning. 

    • I know waking up in the morning is hard, but it’s worth doing.  Just keep practicing and make sure you get to bed early.  “That which we persist in doing becomes easier to do, not that the nature of the thing has changed, but that our power to do has increased.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Speak to son about challenges and hope to endure and overcome

  • Finding joy at Christmas time.

    • I don’t know why it’s hard for you to find joy during this season—but this I do know:  God loves you!  For this knowledge alone you can find joy!  You are loved— you are known. God sees you—He hears you.  He wants you to find peace and joy.  Trust Him!  Trust that He can give you that peace and joy!

  • How to overcome temptation.

    • I’ve realized that I often don’t trust my ability to make good choices. I.e. “I am powerless when it comes to eating healthy food.” The reality is that I am much more capable than I think and sometimes proving it to myself with the “good” decisions I make to give me confidence for choices that are harder for me. ALSO realizing when I DO feel powerless and praying for God to lend me His strength and support til I gain strength of my own. Celebrate your victories!

  • How to handle family relationships that are emotionally draining.

    • This is always hard.  Take a small step back and ask yourself what you need before jumping back into the “grind.”  Love God and yourself and the love for others will follow. <3

  • The suffering of people around the world.  

    • I just have to point out the beauty of your heart. So many of us can be solely focused on our own problems and suffering. It takes a BIG heart to recognize the suffering of others. Let that love work within you to make a difference in your sphere of influence. Your goodness and compassion will inspire others to do the same and the ripple affect will be bigger than you know. God surely LOVES when we use our thoughts, hopes, prayers, time, energy, talents and resources to care for His other children, however that looks.

  • My family’s financial situation.

  • Sadness, pain, disappointment, hatred, sins etc…

    • Trusting in the Savior is the key to open at any doors in our life.  Trust the Lord with faith, and work more for te things that are trouble you.  And ask for Heavenly Father’s help.  Pray and wait patiently.  Doctrine and Covenants 19:23, Alma 34:18-29, Habakkuk 2:14, 2:3

  • I feel like I am never enough for the people around me, which, tragically, leads me to question if I am enough for the Lord.

    • I am so sorry you feel you are not enough for other people. I wonder what it would take to feel you are enough for yourself (no matter what others think).

  • Patience with the process

    • I think it’s interesting that patience allows for the best things to come to be when the time is best.  Patience also allows us to walk with God instead of running at the unsustainable pace that society often sets.

  • My back problems

    • Physical pain, especially chronic pain can be so so so very challenging. For a long-term challenge I have, I feel worn down, and like all I have to ask is, “God please help me to learn and be refined through the challenge of journeying with this daily.”

  • What my mission in life is.

    • I believe that each of us has both a unique mission in life and a general one—it is discovering our unique mission that often takes us our lifetime to complete—Enjoy the journey!

  • Health issues.  Relationships with family members.

  • Relieving the pressure I put on myself

    • When you let yourself carry the burdens of others, you have no time left for yourself.  Though helping others is good, you can only help people so much.  If you try to hold someone’s happiness in your hand, you are going to sacrifice yours. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to try your hardest.

  • Anxiety, fear and a sense I am not fulfilling my potential.

    • I’ve felt this a lot lately too.  I think Heavenly Father is kinder and more loving than we realize though.  Yes, He has a plan and purpose for us—but He also wants us to find joy.  Fulfilling our potential was designed to be a joyful road we walk with Christ.  We need not fear failing Him because He does not expect perfection—only effort and a willing heart.  He understands the anxiety, too.

  • My heaviness is that of carrying the pain and struggles of my children.  Am I doing enough?

    • I have to remember that ultimately my children are in God’s hands. I will never be able to provide for all of their needs perfectly, but He can take what I offer (and the offerings of family, friends, teachers, etc., even negative offerings) and make it in to what it needs to be. Thank heavens it isn’t all resting on my shoulders.

  • Concern for suffering family members./Being a mother to children who have chosen to walk away from the through they’ve been taught their whole lives & how to continue being a strong loving influence in their lives without being or having victim mentality.

    • I think that just loving and serving struggling family members really helps.  I have a cousin who is going through a really hard time, and at first I would try and fix it, but I realized being there and listening to her and loving her really helped, and made us closer.

  • Anger toward a family member who is pulling my already fragile emotional state to a breaking point.

    • Take one day at a time.  And have patience with yourself!

  • Feelings, getting along with my sisters (I have a brother, but he’s 3 months old), listening to my mom and dad.

  • Acquire our Charity—God-like love—for all—

    • It is possible: continue to seek charity, step out on purpose.  CHoose to do one small thing everyday for someone else.  Pray for it.  Think about it often.  God will give you that gift.  The wonderful gift of Christ-like love.

  • I struggle with making mistakes!

    • When learning how to walk through this challenging thing called life, I think of toddlers learning how to walk. Would we ever reprimand them for falling down or wobbling as they learn? No. If we can apply that same mentality for us as we’re  covering new terrain, we might have more compassion for and patience with OUR efforts. Learning always requires leaving our comfort zone in order to acquire new knowledge and experience. It can be wonky and awkward, but the stepping stone process is worth it!

  • Trying to be perfect for everyone

    • I know what it feels like to want to be perfect.  You can’t do everything even if you want to.  Just know that people love you.  You are trying your best and that is enough.  You give your all to God and that’s what he asks.  I know it’s hard, but know that you are amazing and your worth goes beyond measure and no one is 100% perfect.  We all try and that’s good enough. <3

  • How can I better serve and share in the Church?

    • You can be reaching out to people who need your love

  • Adult child’s family’s love pulled away and very distant

  • Knowing how to reach out to my family and make a difference, testify of Christ and Heavenly Father’s love for them. I don’t know if they (my family) know how much I love them and want to be a part of their lives.

    • This is something I struggle and hope for too.  Many of my family members struggle with their testimonies and many do not attend meetings, etc.  For me, I just try my very best to be a light and love them no matter what.  It is cool because as I show genuine love for them there are many natural conversations that arise where I am able to bear testimony and share my deep love for them.  This has helped us grow even closer.  Sometimes it just takes baby steps.  Often you won’t know the impact you make and this can be the hardest part.  But I promise was you do your best to serve, sacrifice and love them, God will soften their hearts and provide you with special opportunities to share these things with them.  Don’t give up!  You are doing better than you think! :)

  • Learning how to deal with the pain and suffering of this life.  In particular, losing my oldest son to parent alienation and just missing him so much.

    • Heavenly Father loves you and your son!  Neither of you are ever lost to Him.  He promises that what was lost will be found—that is His covenant with us.  Merry Christmas! Peace be unto you!

  • Including God enough

  • Loving others while being hurt by them.

    • You can love someone and not love their actions.  I’ve had that experience with a family member, and it’s heartbreaking.  It’s hard that they don’t seem to love you the same when they’re hurting you.  Sometimes, giving them space and praying that they’ll get the help they need is a good idea.

  • It’s hard to love myself, and hard to live.

    • I don’t know if you deal with depression, but I know for myself, the tricky thing about depression is that it deceives us into thinking and sometimes believing things that are far from the truth. The version it paints of ourselves can be painfully distorted and leave us questioning our worth or value to anyone. If you feel like hope is lost, turn to someone who truly knows you and loves you. Let them reflect your goodness and worth when you can’t see it for yourself 💛

  • How to be more focused and attentive with family/ How to be a better dad.

    • How to be a better dad: though finding time is hard, taking a once-a-moth date night with one of your kids.

  • Living without my big brother.

    • I have never lost someone that close to me, but what comes to mind is doing things that he loved and would love seeing you continue to do FOR him.

  • Right now it’s my health and school.  I feel like every time I try to be better and do better, something comes up and I can’t do the things I need to do.  It’s so hard…I feel like a failure a lot of times, even for things out of my control.

    • I would like nothing more than to give you a huge hug and tell you how much your Father in Heaven loves you.  He loves you so much!  And He knows you.  He knows how hard life is and how hard life feels.  But He also knows how great you are.  He can help you rise and overcome, and He can take care of what you can’t.,  Don’t give up.  You can make it.  You are GREAT!

  • Family planning/infertility

  • Feeling like no matter how much I try and how much I do, I’ll never be good enough.  I feel like I have to do everything to be perfect.

    • It took me many years to understand and feel that God loves me just as I am. THis means in all my faults, sins, mistakes, failures He loves me perfectly. I learned that forgiving myself (and others) allowed me to stop feeling like a failure.  God sent me knowing I would fail over and over and over. He loved me so much that He gave me a Savior who should understand me perfectly in my imperfection.

  • Conquering Patience

    • Take a deep breath and trust in the Lord and His timing.

  • The fact that I want to talk to my parents about this life and receive important advice from them, but they have both passed from this life.

  • A difficult family situation that causes a lot of emotional and logistical difficulties.

    • I think that just taking time to center yourself on the Lord and filling yourself with His peace is really helpful.  Also taking time to be with your thoughts to figure out ways you can be more calm and finding ways to be able to have patience with the Lord and trust that because of this you’re growing closer to perfection.

    • Be still and know God will support you in whatever.

  • Sorrow that I’m losing my way.

  • Becoming perfect

    • Becoming perfect is a good idea and goal to strive for because Jesus was perfect, but it’s important to remember that we don’t need to be perfect in this life,and we certainly are not expected to.  We are simply expected to try and rely on Jesus.

  • Being betrayed

  • The apologies I need to offer.

    • Your heart is in the right place.  Not all apologies are verbal or in word.  Manny are proffered by deed and in the chambers of our heart.  Apologies from the heart never expire and are best offered on God’s timeline, not ours.  This is hard to learn, but true!!  God will inspire you in the proper time and manner for you to share the apologies of your heart!

  • Children who are unhappy in their wanderings from what they were taught as children

    • I don’t have children old enough to have experienced this yet, but God has. He understands your suffering and your longing for them to return to the covenant path of happiness. As you plead in their behalf, let it be a season of feeling closer to your Father, the love that He has for you AND your children. Take comfort in knowing that they are ultimately in His hands.

  • Christmas should be a time of joy, but instead I feel like it’s a time where I am told repeatedly that I am not generous enough, not righteous enough, not Christlike enough, and that I need to do better because I’m doing terribly in life.

    • The Holidays are already stressful with family and preparations, etc.  Know that whatever people think is only their mortal view of someone who was and is viewed by God as eternally and divinely precious.  And God knows you are enough.

  • Addiction

  • Pain and struggles that those I love are going through.

    • Expressions of love are powerful, especially couples with prayers on their behalf.

  • Breaking my leg.

  • Controlling my temper.

    • I used to think that the loudest person was the most powerful and influential.  God helped me to see that an out of control temper taints instead of influences.  We can lead others more greatly as we do so with meekness.

  • School

    • I have struggled in school too.  Just breathe and choose good friends.

  • That my kids will all be grown up in a few years. I love being with them.  I know I’ll find something to do, but I’m not sure what that is and I’m afraid I will just miss the good old days too much.  So…fear of the unknown.

    • I have felt this too.  I have found peace in the idea that my role as a mother changes but those gifts given to me to mother are part of me and never leave. =)

  • Feeling misunderstood

    • This can really be painful. This use to eat me alive. In recent years I’ve clung to the truth that what God KNOWS about me will always be more important than what people think about me. If you need a reminder of what God thinks of you, take time to quiet your mind, ask for a priesthood blessing, talk to people who see you for who you truly are.

  • Being a single mom and the weight of doing so much alone.

    • I am not a single mom so I have a great respect and admiration for you and the sacrifices you are making.  I remember the words of a dear friend who was elderly and had raised 5 children on her own.  She said that she had not kept a journal during the hard times because they had been so hard.  Now in her later life, she had wished she had kept a record because now she knew how much God had supported her.  You are an amazing, dedicated woman!  Much love to you!

  • Anxiety

    • Anxiety has been a very frequent friend of mine.  I’ve come to realize that so much anxiety is old, trying to keep a young version of myself safe.  If I can remind myself how situations have changed, I’ve changed and am much more able, it helps me let calm confidence come.  And remember that God’s got me.  Nothing that I face is out of His sphere of concern and influence.  He will faithfully see me through as He has before.

  • I have hurt people close to me.

    • Say sorry and ask if they will forgive you. =)

  • The amount of time not used to the highest.

    • Find your purpose. I feel like when I am passionate about purpose, my time tends to be spent more wisely and intentionally without much effort. 

  • I feel so distant from God.  Life has been so crazy…I have unintentionally put space in my relationship with Him.  Now I feel so far away that I don’t know how to come back and regain that relationship with Him.

    • What a hard thing to feel.  I am so sorry.  And I know it feels hard, but I also know you can regain that relationship.  “However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don’t have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love.  It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines.” ~Jeffery R. Holland. Turning to that love and trusting Him will bring back that relationship.

  • Feeling like I measure up for my wife, family and friends

  • Sharing with sisters.

    • When you have trouble sharing, imagine a world where you could never share anything with anybody.  It would be Hell.  You would want to share everything with everybody.  Sharing is always a win-win choice.

  • Health of a loved one.

    • Be still and know that God is there for you always!

  • Children fighting 

  • Balancing being a good mother, wife and student.

    • Take things a day at a time and find things that you can look forward to each day.  Have faith that the Lord will give you what you need as you go.  Have faith, pray, work hard, pray and be grateful for the journey.

  • I struggle with severe childhood abandonment from my parents going back to my childhood.  I don’t know how to connect with my early parents as adults. 

    • Recognize what a big thing that is and have compassion for yourself. I know for me therapy has been key in learning from my trauma and letting it no longer haunt me.

  • At school

    • God sees you and loves YOU!  This isn't’ forever, be a friend to those that need you!

  • Some days my life feels daunting, overwhelming and scary.  I struggle with finding what I want for my life.  I am a peacekeeper but I feel like Satan is creeping in and I cannot get out.

    • Sometimes I have to think of satan as deception and darkness and God as truth and light. What can you do on a daily basis to invite more goodness and light and cast out the darkness?

  • Getting through school, money problems and trying to enjoy the now instead of just wanting better situations.

    • I’ve been there.  You are not alone.,  It does come to an end—I promise.  But the fact that you have the desire to be more present—well, you will look back and see that you really were present.  You will see it with fondness in the trial.  Your desire is powerful and your looking forward to the end is power helping you not give up in the hard times.

  • Depression, struggling to let Christ lift my burdens

  • Struggles of loved ones, health, ADHD, school

    • I connect deeply. My mom has/had breast cancer.  The fear of the journey has been so hard.  I have seen so many blessings from the trial.  So can you!  I lived 30 years without the diagnosis of ADHD.  In 2021 I finally found the answer.  ADHD has taught me I can do hard things.  It took me 12 years to finish my Bachelors and I am still doing a Masters.  Trust your gut.  You can do this.


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