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From Here & There Friday: Truth & Lies.

Truths & Lies

It's always relieving to me when I read an article in the Ensign on a topic that applies to me and realize that I'm not the only one that is dealing with such things.

I just was skimming through the October 2009 Ensign and came across such an article, "Truth & Lies"...the author, Jennifer Nuckols, identifies lies that satan uses to bind us down and burden us. Lies that make us feel inadequate, insecure, anxious and depressed. BUT then also include the TRUTHS that can bring us feelings of hope and peace and love.

If you want to read the article for yourself online click here. In any case, here are a few quotes that I wanted to share:

"the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not. Wherefore, it speaketh of things as they really are, and of things as they really will be (Jacob 4:13, Book of Mormon)."

"LIE: Because of my weaknesses and failings, God is continually disappointed in, frustrated with, and even angry with me.
TRUTH: God loves me and rejoices in me because I am His child."

"LIE: I need to prove that I'm worth loving by being perfect. Only when I'm perfect will I be able to experience love from God and from others.
TRUTH: Even though I'm not perfect now, I can have constant access to divine love."

"LIE: I'm a terrible failure. I'll never be good enough because I keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
TRUTH: I'm not perfect, but the desires of my heart are good. I can feel inspired to progress."

How grateful I am for a loving Heavenly Father who is mindful of me and provides such wonderful reminders of the truth and of His constant love.

30 March 2018
A few years ago I was visiting my friend Tiffany in Michigan.  I was sitting in Sunday School with fellow adults which was unusual for me, because at the time I was serving with the kids in the primary back in my church ward in Illinois. I shared a comment about the importance of journaling (for whatever reason I came to earth with a STRONG desire to document so I have countless journals from the time I was a little girl).  In my comment I mentioned how I dealt with anxiety and depression and that even snapping pictures on my phone can be helpful.  On days when I am perceiving things in a black and white way and everything feels bleak, unfulfilling, frustrating and overwhelming, I can scroll through my photos and quickly be reminded that my life is actually filled with thousands of beautiful little moments.  As I spoke an idea came to mind that my journal or my pictures can be a first witness of the TRUTH of my life and that the spirit can then bear second witness of the truth, to provide evidence against the LIES that the devil would try to decieve me with.

What helps you to see and remember the TRUTH in YOUR life?

Click Here for Source
