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Psychology Saturday: the A.R.E of Attachment.

**I just need to clarify, I am NO Psychologist!! (My degree is actually in French Teaching)  I am just sharing things that I have learned that have to do with psychology in hopes that the principles will enlighten others.**

I was intrigued when my therapist told me that I had grown up with attachment issues and explained the 3 main proponents that contribute to a healthy attachment.  I think it was especially enlightening to me because I have four young children and hope that I can help to create a healthy attachment with each of them.

The video goes in to more depth about the A.R.E. of attachment, but I'll at least break it down visually for you here:


Also, in the movie I mention using Venn Diagrams as a way to connect with my kids.  When I first started meeting with my therapist I felt SO much guilt each day.  If I was doing the laundry I felt guilty for not being with my kids, if I took my kids on an outing, I felt guilty that the housework was neglected.  By using the Momentum Tracker I in large part was able to get rid of the majority of guilt each day, and doing an interest-based Venn Diagram with each of my kids has helped us to identify the common interests that we have.  The interests that are only in our own circles are ones that we can enjoy with other people.  We focus on the ones we have in common.  That way we both bring energy and excitement to the time we spend together.
