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By His Grace I Can.

(Image from special need

“Jesus doesn’t make up the difference. Jesus makes all the difference. 
Grace is not about filling gaps. It is about filling us.”
― Brad Wilcox

Several months ago in the early morning, the thought came to me again to start an inspirational blog. I got out of bed, came down here to our craft room office.  I knew the first thing I'd need was a title for my blog.  Grace has been a theme of mine for awhile and I thought something with Grace would be fitting.  I wanted to pick By His Grace I Can Do All Things, but it was already taken.  But I like what it left me---

By His Grace I can.

By His grace what can I do?  What can I become?  What can I abandon?  What can I intentionally make a part of my life?

I can___________

overcome an addiction.
become a better parent.
learn to love difficult family members.
better follow the Savior.
create joy each day.
reach my greatest potential.
see myself for the cherished Child of God that I am.
be a friend to those who are lonely.
find reasons to be grateful, even in my hardest times.

How about YOU?  By His grace, what can you + the Lord accomplish together?

I hope that through this journey you can find that through His Grace, the ever-reaching love, kindness and watch care of your Savior, that you truly can do ALL things!
