I haven't posted in awhile because life has been filled with projects, Amazon prime, food, family and the holidays but especially all things baby-- Our little man came the day before Thanksgiving!
He was due on 24 November, but with frequent contractions all month I was sure that he would come early. Every time I thought the contractions would increase in intensity and frequency and that we'd be heading to the hospital, I started to worry about who would be there to help us out during his birth. For most of the month the majority of my family was out of the country. In my head, I kept running through "what ifs" and scenarios, trying to figure out "the best" timing. Finally one day while reading the Book of Mormon, I felt prompted to let it go and trust in God's timing. It was pressed upon my mind that He had long decided when our baby's birthday would be. He had already arranged who would be there to support me and He would take care of everything. So from that moment I tried to focus on Him. It became a personal workshop in turning my fears in to faith. In the end everything turned out like clockwork, in ways that I couldn't have foreseen or planned. It was very evident that it'd been divinely orchestrated and I was grateful for the peace that it brought me while waiting and facing the unknown.
I'd had unmedicated births with my first 3, an epidural with my 4th and had felt good about having our last baby unmedicated. Though blessed and providential, the birth itself was the most intense and difficult that I had ever experienced. I was so very grateful for each person that was there to assist me. I drew upon their prayers and support when my strength and resolve were gone.
Afterwards while writing thank you notes, I came across this poem that I felt helped to convey my feelings:
So it is for each of you, your strength lies beyond what the eye can see. Though at times you may feel spent, remember that your strength goes deeper than yourself. Pray, ask, call out for help and humbly accept it as it comes. We were not meant to travel the roads of life alone. And what sweet associations and bonds we create in those times of greatest need.
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